Saturday, May 28, 2011

Remember, be true to your inner voice... ~ OSHO ~

Always listen to your inner voice, what you would like to be; otherwise your whole life will be wasted. Your mother wants you to be an engineer, your father wants you to be a doctor, and you want to be a poet. What to do? Of course the mother is right because it is more economical, more financially helpful, to be an engineer. The father is also right; to be a doctor is a good commodity in the market, it has a market value. A poet? Have you gone mad? Are you crazy? Poets are people who are cursed. Nobody wants them. There is no need for them; the world can exist without poetry— there will be no trouble just because there is no poetry. The world cannot exist without engineers; the world needs engineers. If you are needed, you are valuable. If you are not needed, you don't carry any value.

But if you want to be a poet, be a poet. You may be a beggar— good. You may not become very rich out of it, but don't worry about it. Because otherwise you may become a great engineer, and you may earn much money, but you will never have any fulfillment. You will always hanker; your inner being will hanker to be a poet.

I have heard that one great scientist, a surgeon who was awarded a Nobel Prize, was asked, "When the Nobel Prize was awarded to you, you didn't look very happy. What is the matter?" He said, "I always wanted to be a dancer. I never wanted to be a surgeon in the first place, and now not only have I become a surgeon, I have become a very successful surgeon, and this is a burden. I wanted to be just a dancer, and I remain a lousy dancer— that is my pain, my anguish. Whenever I see somebody dancing, I feel so miserable, in such hell. What will I do with this Nobel Prize? It can't become a dance to me; it can't give me a dance."

Remember, be true to your inner voice. It may lead you into danger; then go in danger, but remain true to the inner voice. Then there is a possibility that one day you will come to a state where you can dance with inner fulfillment.

Always look: The first thing is your being. Don't allow others to manipulate and control you—and they are many; everybody is ready to control you, everybody is ready to change you, everybody is ready to give you a direction you have not asked for. Everybody is giving you a guide for your life. The guide exists within you, you carry the blueprint.

To be authentic means to be true to oneself. It is a very, very dangerous phenomenon; rare people can do that. But whenever people do it, they achieve. They achieve such beauty, such grace, such contentment that you cannot imagine.

The reason everybody looks so frustrated is that nobody has listened to his own voice. You wanted to marry a girl, but the girl was a Mohammedan, and you are a Hindu Brahmin, your parents wouldn't allow it. The society wouldn't accept it, it was dangerous. The girl was poor and you are rich. So you married a rich woman, Hindu, Brahmin by caste, accepted by everybody but not by your heart. So now you live an ugly life. Now you go to prostitutes—but even prostitutes won't help you; you have prostituted your whole life. You wasted your whole life. Always listen to the inner voice, and don't listen to anything else.

There are a thousand and one temptations around you because many people are peddling their things. It is a supermarket, the world, and everybody in it is interested in selling his thing to you. Everybody is a salesman. If you listen to too many salesmen, you will become mad. Don't listen to anybody Just close your eyes and listen to the inner voice. That is what meditation is all about, to listen to the inner voice.

With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

And Joy is Everywhere;

It is in the Earth's green covering of grass;
In the blue serenity of the Sky;
In the reckless exuberance of Spring;
In the severe abstinence of gray Winter;
In the Living flesh that animates our bodily frame;
In the perfect poise of the Human figure, noble and upright;
In Living;
In the exercise of all our powers;
In the acquisition of Knowledge;
in fighting evils...
Joy is there Everywhere.
Rabindranath Tagore

The Wise does not distinguish between himself and the world;
The needs of other people are as his own.

He is good to those who are good;
He is also good to those who are not good,
Thereby he is good.
He trusts those who are trustworthy;
He also trusts those who are not trustworthy,
Thereby he is trustworthy.

The wise lives in harmony with the world,
And his mind is the world's mind.
So he nurtures the worlds of others
As a mother does her children.

Lao Tzu ¨`*•ʚįɞ✿ღ•*¨`*•.•ʚįɞ✿ღ•*


“May you have warm words on a cold evening,
a full moon on a dark night
and a smooth road all the way to your door.”
Irish Blessings

Passionfruit has been a food staple for the people and animals of the rainforest for eons. The leaves of many of the Passiflora species have been used for centuries by indigenous tribes as a sedative or calming tonic. The Passionfruit has been used by the Brazilian tribes as a heart tonic and Passionfruit is still used today in South American traditional medicine. Antonio Barnardes notes that: "A cup of Maracuja tea (leaves) or 2 glasses of juice will naturally calm down the most hyperactive child and for this reason it is highly valued by Brazilian mothers." and Daniel B. Mowrey notes: " The Brazilians even have a favourite Passion flower drink, called maracuja grande, that frequently used to treat asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and other tough coughs." In Peruvian traditional medicine today, Passionfruit juice is used for urinary infections and as a mild diuretic. Researchers have documented the properties of Passionfruit juice in at least 4 studies.
Passionfruit is the most widely used name to describe this fruit, it is also called: Granadilla, Lilikoi in Hawaii, Maracuja in Equador and Brazil, Parcha in Venezuela and Chinola or Parchita in Puerto Rico.
September 23, 2010 ·  · 


The world is a peaceful, Loving and enjoyable place to live.

I AM at peace with my choices in Life.

I choose a peaceful and calm spirit.

I release my past and live with calm and serenity.

I AM free to be me and express myself openly.

I have a peaceful and calming heart and soul.

Everyone around me is at peace with each other.

My environment is a garden of peace.

I rub elbows with peaceful people.

My work environment is peaceful and quiet.

Delicious and juicy Lychee or "Litchi" reminds you the arrival of summer. Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs to the family of Sapindaceae and named scientifically as Litchi chinensis.The tree is a tropical type fruit tree native to low elevations of the provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien in Southern China. Litchi is an evergreen medium sized tree with dense, round-topped and slow-growing with smooth, gray, brittle trunk and limbs. It may reach 40-50 feet height. Litchis, not only are eye-catching in spring when the huge sprays of flowers adorn the tree but also is a stunning sight for nature lovers.when the tree is full of berries.

Pomegranates have very high content of punicalagins, a potent anti-oxidant component found to be responsible for its superior health
benefits. Amazingly, researches indicate that the capacity of anti-oxidant in this fruit is two or three times higher than that of red wine and green tea.
The level of anti-oxidant is even higher than those of other fruits known to have high-levels of anti-oxidant, including blueberries, cranberries and oranges. This was attributed to the very high polyphenol content in the fruit.They are also a good source of vitamin B (riboflavin, thiamin and niacin), vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. These combination and other minerals in pomegranates cause a powerful synergy that prevents and reverses many diseases.

Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, love more, and all good things will be yours.
Swedish Proverb

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him.
If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought,
happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."

"A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature."
-- Albert Einstein 

Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded.
It's a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.
~ Pema Chödrön

With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Once you start to see the Law of Attraction in operation, you ultimately come to understand that there is no such thing as a victim; never has been, never will be, only co-creators in thought and feeling, powerful magnets attracting like bees to honey the matching frequency of our ever-flowing vibrations.
You never again have to believe that circumstances outside of you control your life.  You never again have to believe that it is wrong to want.  You never again have to believe that some great power outside yourself is pulling the strings, or that anyone or anything other than you is in control.  You never again have to be afraid of "them" or "it," no matter who or what they may be, unless you so choose.
The real reality is we have come here to thrive, and prosper, and live this grand human experience in lighthearted joy, not in struggle and pain.  We have come here to have fun while we learn, to grow without suffering, and to harvest our desires in the absolute knowledge that we can have it all once we learn how to handle our energies . . . meaning . . . our emotions.
We came here with a guaranteed freedom of choice mandated by the very nature of our existence.  The time has come for us to exercise that birthright.  We are caught in no one's web.  We are bound by no circumstance.  We are victims to no conditions.  Rather, we are beings who possess the sacred ability to implement any outlandish desire our limitless minds can concoct, for we possess unregulated, unrestricted, uncontested freedom of choice, no matter what those choices may be.
It's wake up time.  It's time we remembered how to make those choices happen.  It's time to take our heads out of the sand and accept that it's no accident we get what we get in life.  It's time for us to stop creating from the improper default setting and remember the secrets of the ancient wisdom we once knew so well before recorded history, wisdom that allowed us to create our passions with simple intent.  It is time.
You deserve it all.  You deserve to have all of your aspirations realized, no matter what they may be.  You have only to want it and feeeeel it, and a whole new life of extraordinary happiness will be yours.  Not can be; will be!  That is a cosmic guarantee.
With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Attain to a purity of aloneness where love can become a state and not a relationship... ~ OSHO ~

Asanga means alone.

So alone, like a Himalayan peak. So absolutely alone that the other is not needed. That doesn’t mean that you will not love. In fact only a person who does not need the other can be loving. When the need disappears then love arises. If you need the other, you use him. Then all your love is a sort of manipulation, a deep exploitation, because you are using the other

as a means. Because you cannot be alone and you need somebody to fill your loneliness, you talk about love, but it is not really love. You are using the other, and love can never use the other. For love, the other is the end and can never be reduced to a means. This is the highest morality there is: when the other is the end and not a means.

Only a person who is absolutely alone, who is capable of aloneness, can be capable of love – because it is not a need. On the contrary, love is an overflow. It is not a relationship; it becomes a state of being. You may be sitting alone in a room but love goes on flowing. There may be nobody to share it, but it goes on flowing. It is just like a flower that blooms on a path where nobody passes, but still it goes on sending its fragrance to the air, to the winds. Or a star at night – nobody is looking at it but it goes on shining. Whether you are with somebody or alone makes no difference then. It is a state of being.

I have given you the name Asanga for all these reasons. You have to learn to be alone. I am not saying that you have to escape from the other, no. I am saying that you have to realise yourself. Don’t escape from yourself to the other. That is going to be your life work: to attain to a purity of aloneness where love can become a state and not a relationship.

That is freedom – what we in India have been calling moksha, nir vana, the last word in freedom – where you don’t need the other ; where love is not a need but has become an overflowing of energies. So keep it in mind.

With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

music, love, colour, joy, health, nature, peace, abundance, raise your vibration today.
If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.
"A mature person has the integrity to be alone. And when a mature person gives love, he gives without any strings attached to it: he simply gives. And when a mature person gives love, he feels grateful that you have accepted his love, not vice versa. He does not expect you to be thankful for it -- no, not at all, he does not even need your thanks. He thanks you for accepting his love. And when two mature persons are in love, one of the greatest paradoxes of life happens, one of the most beautiful phenomena: they are together and yet tremendously alone; they are together so much so that they are almost one. But their oneness does not destroy their individuality, in fact, it enhances it: they become more individual. Two mature persons in love help each other to become more free. There is no politics involved, no diplomacy, no effort to dominate".

It is responsibility, the challenge of responsibility, that creates wisdom... ~OSHO~

The real master creates masters, not followers.
The real master throws you back to yourself.
His whole effort is to make you independent of him, because you have been dependent for centuries, and it has not led you anywhere.
You still continue to stumble in the dark night of the soul.

Only your inner light can become the sunrise.
The false master persuades you to follow him, to imitate him, to be just a carbon copy of him.
The real master will not allow you to be a carbon copy, he wants you to be the original.
He loves you!
How can he make you imitative?
He has compassion for you, he would like you to be utterly free — free from all outer dependencies.

But the ordinary human being does not want to be free.
He wants to be dependent.
He wants somebody else to guide him.
Why? — because then he can throw the whole responsibility on the shoulders of somebody else.
And the more responsibility you throw away onto somebody else’s shoulders, the less is the possibility of your ever becoming intelligent.

It is responsibility, the challenge of responsibility, that creates wisdom.

In life we never know what is going to happen... ~ OSHO ~

Do not plan anything.
Just go on digging.
Things will take their own course.
Planning always presupposes frustration.
When you plan you create seeds of frustration.
Do not plan.
Just go on digging.
Let it come.

It is always beautiful when it comes by itself.
It is always fulfilling, never frustrating, because there has been no expectation!
Where there is no expectation, you are never disappointed.
The less you are disheartened the more you can do.
The more you are disheartened, the less you do!

So I say again: "Do not plan." Just go on.
Let it come by itself.
Let it come.
It WILL come.
When we plan, we hinder the way of its coming.
Because of our plans, the plans we have made, life cannot work.
Our plans come in the way.
I have made my life without plan and I have never been frustrated.
There is no question of frustration.

So, I am always successful!
I cannot be a failure as there is no plan against which I calculate.

No failure is a failure, no success is a success, only our conceptions and pre-determined plans make them so.

If you fail in your plan you feel disappointed; the ego is hurt.
If you succeed, the ego is strengthened and it will plan more, ceaselessly, causing perpetual strain and burden on the mind. The ego is always in fear of life.
In life we never know what is going to happen, so we make plans for our security.
Life disturbs them, as we are not whole and sole.
We are only a small part of the infinite existence....
All meditations are nothing but efforts to bring you to the present. When you live in the present moment, with no past hanging around you, with no future projection, you are free from life and death, you are free from body and mind. You are free -- simply free -- you are freedom.

~ OSHO ~
The most fundamental message of Gautama the Buddha is not God, is not soul... it is freedom: freedom absolute, total, unconditional. He does not want to give you an ideology, because every ideology creates its own slavery.

With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

Just give your love to anybody — a stranger. It is not a question that you have to give something very valuable, just a helping hand and that will be enough. In twenty-four hours, whatever you do should be done with love, and the pain in your heart will disappear. And because you will be loving so much, people will love you. It is a natural law. You get what you give. In fact you get more than you give. Learn giving, and you will find so many people being loving towards you who had never looked at you, who had never bothered about you.

~ OSHO ~

Love Is The Secret Key.
It Opens The Door Of The Divine.
Laugh, Love, Be Alive, Dance, Sing!

~ OSHO ~
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

~ Siddhārtha Gautama ~

"MOON, for what do you wait?"
"To salute the sun for whom I must make way."

~ Rabindranath Tagore ~

Buddha says the greatest joy in life is freedom ...

freedom from all prejudices, freedom from all scriptures, freedom from all concepts and ideologies, freedom from all desires, freedom from all possessiveness and jealousy, freedom from all hatred, anger, rage, lust... 

in short, freedom from everything, so that you are just a pure consciousness, unbounded, unlimited. That is the greatest joy, and it is possible -- it is within everybody's grasp. You just have to grope for it a little. 

The groping will be in the dark, but it is not far away. If you try, if you make an effort, you are bound to find it. It is your birthright.

With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

The moment you know yourself, then nobody can take away your individuality. ~OSHO~

Don't depend on others!

Be independent in your being.

Just listen to your inner voice.

You can listen the moment you start stilling and silencing your mind -- and it is not difficult. And when I say it is not difficult, I say it with absolute authority: It is not difficult! If it has happened to me, it can happen to you -- there is no difference. All human beings are potentially capable to know themselves. And the moment you know yourself, then nobody can take away your individuality. Even if they kill you, they can only kill your body, not you.

An individual is the only person who can get rid of this state of begging; otherwise you are going to remain a beggar your whole life. But if you want to get rid of this begging, you will have to get rid of your ego and your personality. You will have to learn that there is nothing in respect, there is nothing in reputation, there is nothing in respectability. They are all bogus words, meaningless, contentless. The reality belongs to you, but unless you discover it, you will have to depend on others.

You are emperors, but you have to discover yourself. And this discovery is not difficult: Your kingdom is within you. You just have to learn to close your eyes and look inwards. A little discipline, a little learning not to remain focused on the outside continuously, but to turn inwards at least once or twice a day, whenever you can find time... slowly, slowly you start becoming aware of your eternal being. Then the idea of attention simply disappears.

And the miracle is: the day you don't need anybody's attention, people start feeling your charisma, because charisma is the radiation of your individuality. They start feeling that you are somebody special, unique -- although they cannot pinpoint where your uniqueness is, what it is that attracts like a magnet. People who have discovered themselves have found thousands of people attracted towards them, but they are not asking for it.

With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

It is responsibility, the challenge of responsibility, that creates wisdom... ~OSHO~

The real master creates masters, not followers.
The real master throws you back to yourself.
His whole effort is to make you independent of him, because you have been dependent for centuries, and it has not led you anywhere.
You still continue to stumble in the dark night of the soul.

Only your inner light can become the sunrise.
The false master persuades you to follow him, to imitate him, to be just a carbon copy of him.
The real master will not allow you to be a carbon copy, he wants you to be the original.
He loves you!
How can he make you imitative?
He has compassion for you, he would like you to be utterly free — free from all outer dependencies.

But the ordinary human being does not want to be free.
He wants to be dependent.
He wants somebody else to guide him.
Why? — because then he can throw the whole responsibility on the shoulders of somebody else.
And the more responsibility you throw away onto somebody else’s shoulders, the less is the possibility of your ever becoming intelligent.

It is responsibility, the challenge of responsibility, that creates wisdom.

With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
All the Fwd's/Postings, by me, are not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. So none of these are my own stories, videos or pictures. I am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action am not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.