Tuesday, July 26, 2011

John Galt Speech FULL part 3 of 3

John Galt Speech FULL part 2 of 3

John Galt Speech FULL part 1 of 3

Francisco d'Anconia's 'Money Speech' from Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand

2 of 2 Money, the root of all evil? Francisco d'Anconia

1 of 2 Money, the root of all evil? Francisco d'Anconia

The Trial of Hank Rearden: Part 2of2

The Trial of Hank Rearden: Part 1of2

"Help! I'm going Crazy"...

Help Im Going Crazy

“Most people live lives of quiet desperation” George Bernard Shaw.

You don’t have to be one of those people. Have you ever wondered why some people live such wonderful, happy lives while countless thousands struggle along in terrible situations with insurmountable problems, relationship problems, child problems, social problems, work problems, personal problems?

It is because most people lack BASIC LIFE SKILLS AND COPING STRATEGIES. These skills should be taught in schools, parents ought to know them, teachers, adults and old people ought to know them, but most don’t.

Have you ever been given bad advice or brainless reasoning by the well intended? It is because they don’t know, they really don’t know, and more serious is the fact that that they don’t know they don’t know. People are all full of well intended wisdom they’ve sucked out of their thumb, off the top of their head, but if you look at their own lives, they’re no better off than you. How many people do you know who don’t take their own advice, yet they so willingly dish it out generously to others? Common sense would dictate that if you want good advice, get it from professionals who’ve been there, who actually do know what they’re talking about. Going to the wrong people for advice can often make your problems much worse.

It is estimated that two out of every three people suffer or will suffer some form of chronic misery or mental illness at some point during their life time. This includes chronic stress, depression, panic attacks, insomnia or nightmares, despair, bi polar disorder, social dysfunctions, phobias, rage, inability to cope and all the other mental and emotional problems you’ve heard about so often or gone through your self. One in ten suffer one or more of these regularly or on an ongoing basis. Drugs often only anesthetise the problem or mask the symptoms providing only temporary relief. Even the drugs that provide permanent relief usually have some hectic unwanted or severe side effects. You can prevent it and you can learn to solve the problems that cause it and heal your self and your life.


Because most people don’t know the skills are out there. The skills ARE out there and they are being used by those who are living happy, successful lives. Some people have learned the skills through books, tapes and seminars, and some have employed a skilled and experienced Life Coach, and some found out the hard way through many years of painful experience and some were just born lucky with the natural talent. Fortunately, many of those who found the way, or found a way, have written about it or speak about it and teach others.


And you don’t have to learn the hard way or the expensive way, you can learn the easy way, and it is easier than you might have thought. You don’t have to read hundreds of different self help books and listen to dozens of CD sets and tape sets or attend dozens of expensive self help seminars. This has all been done for you, and it has all been condensed into one easy to read book. Terri Ann has been there, learned the hard way and then also read all the books, listened to all the CDs and tapes, watched all the DVDs, attended dozens of seminars and studied it all to become a successful International Trainer and Speaker and a Professional Therapist and Life Coach. She has condensed it all into one simple, easy-to-read book for you.

“When I first learned all these skills I was bowled over and laughed at myself because so many of them were such blindingly obvious facts that I could hardly believe I missed them! That is the problem with the blindingly obvious – we are totally blind to it. It is like searching for the salt that is right in front of your eyes, or searching for your glasses that are on top of your head. It isn’t rocket science, but it might as well be because we get so caught up in seeing things in a certain way, and we’re so fixed on searching for some miracle out there, that the one right under our very noses, the obvious other route is the last thing we’d think to see”.
So many people have written to us telling us their stories. Some letters were pages and pages long! Here is just a sample bit of what some people have said: (responses from people who read the manuscript before publishing)

"Thank God I found this book! It is saving me a fortune on therapy and it’s actually working. I was in therapy for 2 years and this book is solving all the problems my Therapist couldn’t.”

"I’m a psychologist and Terri Ann’s fresh new ideas and new take on old ideas and new ways of seeing things has increased my success rate. I’ve made a lot of changes to how I deal with patients.”

“I got my husband to read it, and his patience and compassion for me has quadrupled. It has brought us so much closer.”

“I buy and read a lot of books. This is the first book ever that I bought that my teenage daughter read!”
“After I read the book, I realised that my wife’s mother really needs it too, so I bought her a copy. She likes me a whole lot more now.”

“I wish this book was around five years ago. I know it would have prevented my retrenchment and my subsequent divorce.”

“I’ve wanted to start my own business for years but lacked the courage to make that leap. After reading the book, the world is mine, it always was but I didn’t know it, and now I’m planning my big break and I’m excited not scared.”

“I spent so many years fighting with my mother and suffered untold misery due to our totally dysfunctional relationship, and half way through the book, I just burst out laughing as I realised what I was doing. I went right over there and had one conversation with her and ripped the problem right out by its root. We’ve been fantastic friends ever since. It is amazing. I can’t think why it never occurred to me to do that before. I totally missed the one little thing, the vital key to everything. Now I tell everyone who has similar problems.”

“I was a devoted hard worker and bosses were so quick to notice and take advantage. I was under paid and over worked for 9 years and eventually began to suffer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was booked off work. I had 4 different jobs in those 9 years and concluded that ‘bosses were like that’. When I read the book and realised I was creating my problem, it knocked my socks off. I read the book twice and it filled me with so much hope and motivation and enthusiasm that I went out and got another job. I don’t do ‘that’ anymore, and now I am still a devoted hard worker, but I make sure I’m appreciated and well paid for it.”

“I read the book too late. My wife had already left and the bitter fighting over who gets what in the divorce was in full swing. If only I’d got the book a year or two sooner I know I could have saved my marriage. At least I was able to put a stop to the childish tit for tat madness that had been ruining both of our lives, and come to a friendly amicable agreement. I thought I’d never, ever marry again, but now I realise that I can do it differently next time. I have much more choices of response now than I had, and I have more control over outcomes. I’ll create my next relationship on purpose and not just hope it turns out OK.”

“I could never get anything right. I could never understand why I was such an idiot, such a wimp, such a failure, such a fool. I used to hate myself sometimes and despair of myself. I suffered so much remorse, guilt, self condemnation and regret that I don’t even know how I managed to live with myself. I was riddled with complexes. I can hardly believe now that I was like that. What was I thinking? It is almost like that was another me. I’ve really been re-born in a way, awakened. I have found myself and you know what? I actually like myself. It’s true, I do.”

“I was relieved to find the book totally non religious. The previous self help book I got out of the library was good in many ways but it kept referring to religious principles of the author and quotes from his religious text. I’m not prejudiced against anyone’s religion, but it is hard to relate to good words if it comes from a religious vantage point that is different from ones own religious views. It was so helpful to get basic good advice and step by step instructions from a safe place, and I mean safe for all religious people and even for atheists or agnostics too. When you are a devoted spiritual person like I am, you have to be careful what you read.”

“I’m a teacher and I have found the book invaluable. Not only am I getting amazing headway with the kids, I’m also getting on better with their parents. I was beginning to hate teaching, but now I’m enjoying it again.”

“I’ve always been a very generous, helpful, giving person, and I’ve been hurt so many times by ungrateful people who have stabbed me in the back. As soon as I read the chapter on ‘Giving to the ungrateful’, I understood why, and I know how to make sure that never happens again. I can see it so clearly now.”

The First Historical Example Of A Pyramid Scheme…

The First Historical Example Of A Pyramid Scheme…

Was a scam carried out by the government of France? Oops!
The first famous pyramid scheme occurred in the early eighteenth century in France. What you’re about to read goes down as one of the greatest deceptions in history.
Near the end of King Louis’ XIV reign (1643 to 1715) the economy of France was on a steep  decline. The country was 3 billion livres in debt. Officials debated whether the government should just declare bankruptcy and start from scratch, but the politicians of the time feared revolution and looked instead for a more expedient solution.

Their first attempt to remedy the problem was to devalue the currency through recoinage (the making of new coins). New gold and silver coins were issued weighing 20% less than coins already in circulation but with the same face value, and the public was ordered by law to make the exchange. The government planned to use the extra gold and silver they saved from the new coins to pay off the nation’s debt.
But the people of France weren’t to be fooled by devalued coins. They refused to exchange their gold and silver for currency that was intrinsically less valuable. This foiled scheme greatly discredited the government of France and worsened the economic depression. 

After King Louis’ XIV death, the Regent Duc d’Orleans appointed Scottish economist John Law as Controller General of France.. (A Regent is someone who rules a country temporarily due to the absence of a Monarch.) Together the Regent and Law formulated a brilliant scheme to pay off the national debt.
First, the Regent of France authorized Law to establish a central bank under the name of Law and Company. (A central bank is a nation’s principal monetary authority: in the United States it’s known as the Federal Reserve, while in the United Kingdom it’s called the Bank of England.)

Second, the Regent authorized Law’s bank to issue bank notes (paper money) INSTEAD of real gold and silver coins and decreed that the paper money would be accepted for the payment of taxes. This gave Law and his bank notes a measure of credibility.

Third, Law knew he had to gain public confidence in his bank notes for the entire scheme to work. He immediately announced that all notes from his bank were payable in coin, meaning that his bank notes could be exchanged for their face value in gold or silver. 

This gave the appearance that the paper money was the same value of the gold coin! This was perhaps the greatest deception of the 18th century.

Because of the discomfort of carrying coins around in their pocket, people preferred to carry the paper currency. Therefore, the public would deposit their gold and silver into the bank in exchange for a piece of paper. This practice is just as common today, people put their coins in a jar because the coins are too heavy to carry around. Once the jar gets full, they take it to the bank (or even the local grocery store) and cash in their coins for paper money. 

The entire scheme required people to believe in the credibility of Law’s bank and his ability to redeem his notes in coins. Once that belief was established, the paper money was literally “as good as gold.”

As more and more people cashed in their gold in exchange for paper, the bank’s vault filled with gold.

Now I need to explain how banking began in order to complete this explanation. 

In the early days, there was no such thing as credit. If you wanted to buy something, you carried your gold or silver coins to the store and paid in coin. People didn’t want to have their coins in their home or on their person when traveling for fear of being robbed, so they would keep their coins in a bank’s
vault. As more and more people put their coins in banks, the bank’s vault would fill up. 

Banks recognized that at no time did EVERYONE pull ALL their gold out of the bank simultaneously, so they loaned out depositors’ gold for short periods of time. This was the birth of “credit & loans.”
John Law learned of “credit & loans” working in his father’s bank. Now, for the first time we have “credit” as a financial tool.

This is where the pyramid concept comes into play. Because of my divergence into banking and credit, let me recap to ensure you’re still following all of this…

The country of France wanted to pay its debt through recoinage, which failed. Economist John Law, a man with extensive banking experience, encouraged citizens to deposit their gold and silver in his bank in exchange for paper money. The government added credibility to the paper money by declaring Law’s bank a central bank and accepting the paper money as payment for tax debts... The scheme worked… for a while.

The Law and Company’s bank received enormous sums of gold to store in its vault. With all that gold in the vault the bank could issue loans…. but the loans would be made in paper money rather than in coin. 
This was the magician’s act. The real product, gold and silver, vanished and the fake product, paper money, was now in the spotlight. This seems a lot like current times, doesn’t it?


The Regent made Law’s bank a publicly-traded company and declared it the Royal Bank of France. Now people could buy stock in the government’s bank as well as receive credit in the form of bank loans. Over the course of a few years, the bank issued over one billion livres in paper currency to the public.

Keep in mind that all of these paper loans and paper stocks were based on the real product of gold and silver coins in the vault. You see, once the magician got you to believe that the paper was as good as gold, he didn’t need to show you the gold any more.

Businesses rushed to the Royal Bank of France to secure loans, with which they expanded commerce both at home and abroad. Foreign countries could not cash the paper money from France, so they required payment in gold and silver. Slowly but surely, the gold and silver that backed the paper-money loans began to drain out of France and into other countries. With the bank issuing so many loans, the people of France began to suspect that the gold and silver backing their paper money was disappearing. Depositors quietly began converting their paper money to coins and transporting the coins to foreign banks. By 1720 the scarcity of coin began to increase. The vaults, once filled with gold and silver, were becoming empty, but the paper money was still being loaned out. 

In an effort to stop people from converting their paper money into gold and silver coins, the government depreciated the coin’s value to 10% below the paper, and the bank continued to limit the amount of coins any one person could receive. The limit was 100 livres in gold and 10 livres in silver. The government was now claiming that gold and silver was worth less than the paper!

In February of 1720 John Law made a fatal error. At his suggestion to the Regent, a decree was issued forbidding anyone to hold more than 500 livres in coin and prohibiting people from buying up precious stones, jewelry, silver settings, and so forth. The penalty was a heavy fine and confiscation of the
holdings. The government was desperate to hold onto the gold and silver that backed the currency loaned out and sold as stock. This enraged the public. In May of 1720 the bank was out of gold and silver in the vaults and was forced to stop making payments in coin. The bubble burst and the pyramid collapsed. John Law, once a national hero, became the scapegoat for the entire crisis. The government of France blamed him for the whole debacle and he was nearly murdered by angry crowds.

However, today no well-established currencies (US Dollar, Pound, Yen, etc.) are backed by gold or any other real product. To prevent another such crisis, most countries adopted the gold standard and required that banks have sufficient gold to back the paper currency they lent out. 

Their worth is based on “belief.” The governments can - and do - create money out of thin air by simply printing more. The governments can - and do - devalue their currency at will. This is no different then the famous financial scam you’ve just read about.


What’s the point is sharing this with you?

I want to show you that pyramid schemes have nothing to do with MLM. 

A scam is a scam because the person perpetrating it is trying to trick someone. In what you just read, the government was trying to trick the people into believing that paper money was the same as gold. The government’s intention was to create money with no production or product.

The basis of legitimate business is products consumed by customers that make their lives better. If you understand this at its fundamental level, you will never fall victim to a pyramid scheme because you can recognize it for what it is.

Tim Sales built an MLM business with an income of over $150,000 per month with 2,400+ new distributors joining per month. He now creates MLM training tools and sales aids for everyone in network marketing. To discover Tims' proven network marketing ideas and strategies that will grow your MLM business faster, visitwww.FirstClassMLMTools.com

Meet Your Meat Film Review: MrHollick

What is a Ponzi scheme and is MLM a similar scam?

What is a Ponzi scheme and is MLM a similar scam?
Ponzi Scheme
The word Ponzi comes from Charles Ponzi who made this type of scheme well-known.
A Ponzi scheme is an illegal investment scheme that involves paying returns to investors out of the money paid in by later investors, rather than from net revenues generated by any real business. According to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), “…there is an expression that nicely summarizes this scheme: It’s called “stealing from Peter to pay Paul.”
Charles Ponzi’s basic idea was that he would take money from person #1 and tell him that he would give him a high interest on his money. When person #2 gave Ponzi money, Ponzi would take part of that money and give it to person #1 - thereby fulfilling his obligation to give him a high interest. When person #3 came in, Ponzi would take some of that money and pay off person #2 - thereby fulfilling his obligation. If there were no #4, then Ponzi could not fulfill his obligations to #3.
The government claims that these schemes run out of people and collapse.
Charles Ponzi learned this scheme while working at a bank in Canada. He noticed that the bank “knew” that at no time would everyone walk into the bank and withdraw all their money simultaneously. Therefore, the bank could loan out other people’s money to potential borrowers. Banks still operate on this fundamental principle today.
Personally I believe that banks operate an “organized” Ponzi scheme:
When a bank pays you interest on the money you have deposited with them, where do they get that interest? Perhaps from money they’ve earned in the stock market or business investments, as well as from other people’s money. Isn’t that “borrowing” from Peter to pay Paul?” ;)
What would happen if people stopped putting money into banks? Would they collapse?
A Ponzi scheme is different from a Pyramid scheme in that in a Ponzi scheme the money goes back to one person (such as Charles Ponzi), hence the person at the top is making all the money. By contrast, in a pyramid scheme, each “level” makes money.
The Federal Trade Commission states that what’s wrong with a Ponzi Scheme is that there’s no “real” business attached to it and, “When the scheme collapses, most investors find themselves at the bottom, unable to recoup their losses.” (Debra Valentine, General Counsel for the U.S. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION)
MLM is not a Ponzi scheme because it has a real product and it is a real business. Make sure you review: How to evaluate an MLM company.
Additional thoughts on the subject…
Based on the way the FTC defines a Ponzi scheme, the US Social Security system is just such a scheme. The Social Security Administration calls it “Pay-As-You-Go.”
Here is the Social Security Administration’s response to this claim:
There is a superficial analogy between pyramid or Ponzi schemes and pay-as-you-go insurance programs in that in both money from later participants goes to pay the benefits of earlier participants. But that is where the similarity ends. A pay-as-you-go system can be visualized as a simple pipeline, with money from current contributors coming in the front end and money to current beneficiaries paid out the back end. So we could imagine that at any given time there might be, say, 40 million people receiving benefits at the back end of the pipeline; and as long as we had 40 million people paying taxes in the front end of the pipe, the program could be sustained forever. It does not require a doubling of participants every time a payment is made to a current beneficiary. (There does not have to be precisely the same number of workers and beneficiaries at a given time - there just needs to be a stable relationship between the two.) As long as the amount of money coming in the front end of the pipe maintains a rough balance with the money paid out, the system can continue forever. There is no unsustainable progression driving the mechanism of a pay-as-you-go pension system and so it is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.
If the demographics of the population were stable, then a pay-as-you-go system would not have demographically-driven financing ups and downs and no thoughtful person would be tempted to compare it to a Ponzi arrangement. However, since population demographics tend to rise and fall, the balance in pay-as-you-go systems tends to rise and fall as well. During periods when more new participants are entering the system than are receiving benefits there tends to be a surplus in funding (as in the early years of Social Security). During periods when beneficiaries are growing faster than new entrants (as will happen when the baby boomers retire), there tends to be a deficit. This vulnerability to demographic ups and downs is one of the problems with pay-as-you-go financing. But this problem has nothing to do with Ponzi schemes, or any other fraudulent form of financing, it is simply the nature of pay-as-you-go systems.
Obviously Social Security is “legal” because the government makes the laws. If you have a hard time believing that the government could run a scheme, read this. But it certainly seems like they are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Their analogy of a pipeline seems a whole lot like what Charles Ponzi was doing. …”visualized as a simple pipeline, with money from current contributors coming in the front end and money to current beneficiaries paid out the back end… Perhaps I’m just missing something.
Now, looking at it historically, I think Social Security did a great job at helping to break the Great Depression. But it appears to me (and this is just my opinion) that the government used the concept that Charles Ponzi was arrested for.
The largest proof that it operates similar to a Ponzi scheme is that it appears to have “not worked!” The current talk coming out of the government is that they are going to drop Social Security because it will be bankrupt in a few years. Meaning, it’s going to collapse. The reason for this, they claim, is because there are not enough new people paying into the scheme to pay those who’ve been contributing all their working lives. So evidently there are not enough Peters to pay Pauls.
Allow me to restate the comment from the FTC: “Every pyramid or Ponzi scheme collapses…. When the scheme collapses, most investors find themselves at the bottom, unable to recoup their losses.” (Debra Valentine, General Counsel for the U.S. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION)
No matter how one twists the details, the facts are that at a minimum some people in the government have used Social Security to run a fraud. In 1983 the government predicted this “demographic change” of the Baby Boomers would occur and bankrupt social security. To prevent it from happening, Congress raised payroll taxes and reduced the benefits given to retirees (Peter pays more, Paul gets less). As a result, the government collected more money, $667 billion in excess was brought in between 1983 and 2001, and the government spent it! The definition of fraud it to trick someone. So is Social Security collapsing because there are not enough people paying into the scheme, or is it because of mismanagement of funds?
Personally, I’ve been paying into the Social Security scheme for 27 years. I don’t think I will be able to recoup my losses. Hopefully you “got in at the beginning” and will get more out of it than me.
MLM is not a Ponzi scheme because it has a real product and it is real business. Make sure you review: How to evaluate an MLM company. If you’ve already read that, go to the recommended next page: Is MLM a scam like a chain Letter?

Tim Sales built an MLM business with an income of over $150,000 per month with 2,400+ new distributors joining per month. He now creates MLM training tools and sales aids for everyone in network marketing. To discover Tims' proven network marketing ideas and strategies that will grow your MLM business faster, visitwww.FirstClassMLMTools.com

The First Historical Example Of A Pyramid Scheme…


The First Historical Example Of A Pyramid Scheme…

Was a scam carried out by the government of France? Oops!
The first famous pyramid scheme occurred in the early eighteenth century in France. What you’re about to read goes down as one of the greatest deceptions in history.

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