Monday, January 29, 2018

Research shows vaping is far less harmful than smoking

Research shows vaping is far less harmful than smoking

Netanyahu's Top Secret Indian Experiment

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Friday, January 26, 2018

मुस्लिम हदीस में छिपा रहस्य The hidden secret in Muslim hadith | Thanks ...

*मुस्लिम हदीस में छिपा रहस्य The hidden secret in Muslim hadith | Thanks Bharat, #DKC26*

Dear Hindu brethren, Hindu religion never teaches to hate anyone. But if someone speaks wrong about our religion, then he does not even teach to bear it. We are not against any opinion, creed, sect, all world is our family. But if a member of the family wrongs it, then it is mandatory to punish him so that he can maintain peace and brotherhood. For this, we have to hold the right things and leave the wrong things.

58 देशों की मुस्लिम जनसँख्या का भारत की बर्बादी का षड्यंत्र क्या है ? Th...

भारत के प्रत्येक देशभक्त व दूरद्रष्ट व्यक्ति के लिए यह विडियो देखनी अत्यंत आवश्यक है ताकि समस्या की गंभीरता को भांपकर आप अपने को सुरक्षित रखने के उपाय व साधन एकत्रित कर सके अन्यथा अच्छे, उदारवादी, शांतिप्रिय लोगों के लिए भविष्य अंधकारमय है | - आपका भाई राहुलार्य

Subhash chandra bose death mystery | सुभाष चन्द्र बोस का मृत्यु रहस्य | ...

Subhash chandra bose death mystery - सुभाष चन्द्र बोस का मृत्यु रहस्य - Thanks Bharat

Nowadays, you have heard and read that Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose died in an air crash. In this video you will be told with evidence that his death had not happened in the plane crash. what is the complete history behind this is stated in this video.

आजकल, आपने सुना है और पढ़ा है कि नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस की हवाई दुर्घटना में मृत्यु हो गई। इस वीडियो में आपको सबूत के साथ बताया जाएगा कि उनकी मृत्यु विमान दुर्घटना में नहीं हुई थी। इस वीडियो में इसका पूरा इतिहास बताया गया है |

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Makhane Ki Sabzi

Learn how to make delicious Makhane ki Sabzi

Makhana Processing

Makhana Processing

Makhana (Euryale ferox) is a dry fruit, like cashew nut. It is an aquatic crop mostly cultivated in Northern Bihar. Roughly 40000 tons of makhana worth Rs. 700 crore are produced annually.

Makhana ranks high in export market as it contains high essential amino acid index (89-93%) along with calorific value of 3.62 Kcal/g which is comparable to stable food.

I (Er. Shravan K. Roy) have designed a Makhana popping machine model with a screw conveyor heating system in sand or any suitable material for uniform roasting of the gurri.

The gurri then transferred to a rotating fan blade with suitable speed in order to have impact forces on the roasted gurri for popping up. This popping machine will be very useful for makhana processor.

We (Shravan Kumar Roy, Rangnath Prasad, Ravi Kumar Singh, B.Tech final year) are the students of Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur, focusing on the issue of malnutrition and hunger free world by reducing Food wastage.

We intend to narrow down the waste level to zero waste.

I am very eager to see your opinion,


   Er. Shravan Kumar Roy,

    B.Tech (Food Process Engineering),

    Indian Institute Of crop Processing Technology,

    MBA (Marketing),

    Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer,

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Why Have Archaeologists Ignored These Remarkable Ancient Discoveries

Why Have Archaeologists Ignored These Remarkable Ancient Discoveries


Published on 14 Jan 2018

Look at these stunning archaeological  discoveries of human bones, artifacts, and human footprints millions of years old.

Many scientists have forgotten or ignored these remarkable artifacts, they point to something unthinkable, humans have existed on earth for many millions of years.

Of course, this evidence contradicts the textbook theories about human origins, and therefore the evidence controversial amongst historians.

Today most official textbooks will say that humans like us first appeared in Africa about 150,000 years ago, and then spread from there to other parts of the world.

This account is based on two kinds of evidence: archeological evidence and genetic evidence. But both kinds of evidence are incomplete.

There have been many out of place artifacts or out of time discoveries that prove these theories are incorrect.

Only a Glass of This Juice will Remove Clogged Arteries And Control Bloo...

Only a Glass of This Juice will Remove Clogged Arteries And Control Blood Pressure

Ginger Juice                     1 Cup / 250 mL

Garlic Puree                      1 Cup / 250 mL

Lemon Juice                     1 Cup / 250 mL

Apple Cider Vinegar        1 Cup / 250 mL

Organic Honey                  2 Cups / 500 mL

1. Extract the juice from the ingredients.

2. Take the Ginger Juice, Garlic Juice, Lemon Juice, and Apple Cider Vinegar and place them in a sauce pan.

Cook on medium-heat for roughly 30 minutes; proceed with mixing.

3. Place the pan off the heating source and let it cool completely.

4. Add the entire organic honey (2 Cups or 500 mL) into the solution then mix thoroughly.

5. Pour the solution into a clean bottle and store it in cold conditions, such as a fridge.

How to use:

Consume 1 TBSP every morning before eating breakfast. You may also take 1 TBSP in the afternoon and evening.

Estimate storage life: 1.5 months

You're welcome!

11 Secrets the Beauty Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

*11 Secrets the Beauty Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know*

*Have you ever wondered how celebrities always look stunning in spite of age or troubles?*

We confess to being a little jealous of them, but we understand they’ve got an army of personal beauty experts to help.

*However, the fundamentals of effective care are simple and brilliant!*

12 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar

12 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar


The Discovery Of 'Vimana' secret 5000 years flying machine

The Discovery Of 'Vimana' Secret 5000 Years Flying Machine

Sunday, January 14, 2018

A Soldier Speaks: Major Gaurav Arya’s Befitting Reply For Defaming Army ...

A Soldier Speaks: Major Gaurav Arya’s Befitting Reply For Defaming Army Chief

The Indian Army prides itself on being a steel fist, but one that always wears a velvet glove.

Gen. Bipin Rawat, COAS of Indian Army just ordered his men to take off the velvet glove.