Thursday, May 12, 2011

In life we never know what is going to happen... ~ OSHO ~

Do not plan anything.
Just go on digging.
Things will take their own course.
Planning always presupposes frustration.
When you plan you create seeds of frustration.
Do not plan.
Just go on digging.
Let it come.

It is always beautiful when it comes by itself.
It is always fulfilling, never frustrating, because there has been no expectation!
Where there is no expectation, you are never disappointed.
The less you are disheartened the more you can do.
The more you are disheartened, the less you do!

So I say again: "Do not plan." Just go on.
Let it come by itself.
Let it come.
It WILL come.
When we plan, we hinder the way of its coming.
Because of our plans, the plans we have made, life cannot work.
Our plans come in the way.
I have made my life without plan and I have never been frustrated.
There is no question of frustration.

So, I am always successful!
I cannot be a failure as there is no plan against which I calculate.

No failure is a failure, no success is a success, only our conceptions and pre-determined plans make them so.

If you fail in your plan you feel disappointed; the ego is hurt.
If you succeed, the ego is strengthened and it will plan more, ceaselessly, causing perpetual strain and burden on the mind. The ego is always in fear of life.
In life we never know what is going to happen, so we make plans for our security.
Life disturbs them, as we are not whole and sole.
We are only a small part of the infinite existence....

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