Tuesday, March 31, 2020
What to Do - When a person dies in front of your eyes?
*What to Do - When a person dies in front of your eyes - 99,803 Views - 12 Jan 2020*
This video explains the 4 things to avoid and 4 steps to take with the first 4 minute of death of a person.
It also explains how to identify whether a person is clinically dead or not.
This video exposes the shortcoming of the highly publicized protocol of resuscitation- CPR. In this final section of video Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury introduces alternative and highly effective method- Closed Chest Cardiac Massage.
To successfully revive a otherwise dead person, you may join the Lincoln University’s one month Certification Program (through online/vedio conferencing). “The Code Blue Trainer’s Certification Program”.
Monday, March 30, 2020
White Truth of Milk
*White Truth of Milk - 393,798 Views - 12 Dec 2017*
Truth of Corona - Q/A with Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury
*Truth of Corona - Q/A with Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury - 438,742 Views - 29 Mar 2020*
Thursday, March 26, 2020
MAK Media Technology International supports BREAK THE CHAIN campaign to ...
MAK Media Technology International supports BREAK THE CHAIN campaign to Fight against Covid19 - 1,930 views - 16 Mar 2020
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that had not been previously identified in humans.
The virus causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever and in more severe cases, pneumonia. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your face.
The Kerala government has launched a mass campaign that advocates washing of hands and this campaign has been named as "Break the chain". Health Minister KK Shailaja inaugurated the campaign for creating an awareness among the public regarding public and personal hygiene in the critical times of Covid-19 outbreak.
MAK Media Technology International supports and admires this campaign and we are proud to spread this news to all . Lets be a group and fight against Covid 19.
We are one. We will Win. We will BREAK THE CHAIN
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Cholesterol "The Biggest LIE"
Cholesterol - The Biggest LIE - 385,886 Views - 18 Apr 2016 - 21 MAR 2020
Mr.Kiran Please Review This Video And You Will Find The Answer. Modern Medicine Is Utter Failure To Treat Diseases But Good To Create Allied Diseases In The Form Of After Affects Of The Drugs Administered So Far For A Symptom Of A Disease. If You Are A Doctor Then Throw Your Degree And Treat The Patients By Natural Alkaline Foods And Also You Use Yourself For Your Own Disease If You All Ill Then You Will Get An Other Answer Of Your ??
Thursday, March 19, 2020
High Cholesterol - A Medical Fraud
*High Cholesterol - A Medical Fraud - 1,077,850 Views - 30 Aug 2016*
*2 hours training on 'High Cholesterol - "A Medical Fraud' by Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury.*
*[Shop: https://biswaroop.com/shop/]*
Mathematics of Cancer Cure, The 3 Step Protocol
*Mathematics of Cancer Cure, The 3 Step Protocol - 463,025 Views - 29 Oct 2018*
*At any moment of our life, we all carry cancerous cells.*
In fact body is able to break down and use the cancer cells to boost immunity and conduct repair work. It's only when the body's mechanism called " Autophagy" is not functioning, the cancerous cells grow to a scale when it hurts and eventually a person may even die of cancer.
*Fortunately there are 3 Nobel Prize Winner Sciences, which can help you to prevent and even reverse cancer in a span of 6-9 months. Learn the 3 Steps Protocol, through this video and help people to recover from cancer.*
Corona Puzzle Solved
*Corona Puzzle Solved - 576,185 Views - 14 Mar 2020*
This Video Not Only Exposes The Corona Conspiracy With Tthe Help of Latest Research Papers From New England Medical Journal And The Lancet But Also Offers a Cure Strategy For Infectious Diseases Ranging From Tuberculosis, UTI, Hepatitis to HIV-AIDS.
*In this video also presents the evidence of reversing HIV-AIDS.*
Can science detect Corona Virus
*Can science detect Corona Virus - 1,597,258 Views - 5 Mar 2020*
In this video Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury exposes the flaw in the present method of detecting corona virus as well as questions the effectiveness of the present preventive protocol followed by the health authorities.
*At the end Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury equips the viewers with his 3 Step Diet to recover from any Flu/Virus, in 72 hours.*
*[To read the book , go to : https://biswaroop.com/HIVbook/]*
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
��Zero Interest Rates - Stock Market Crashes - QE Goes Ballistic - Bank R...
*Zero Interest Rates - Stock Market Crashes - QE Goes Ballistic - Bank Runs Start - 50,911 Views - Premiered 14 Hours Ago*
*Zero Interest Rates - Stock Market Crashes - QE Goes Ballistic - Bank Runs Start The System Is Falling Apart In Front Of Our Eyes.*
*The Old World Is Collapsing. Hurling Trillions Into The Market Weekly, And It's Still Falling Apart. This Is Epic.*
Fed Goes To 0%, Injects BILLIONS Into The Stock Market, And Dow Jones Plummets. This Is The Same As Someone In The Hospital Who Is Getting Drips/Injections To Keep Them Alive, And Their Tolerance Builds Up, So They Need More And More - Then Their Veins Collapse - They Go Septic And Die.
The Dow And The S&P500 Are Having The Worst Month Since October 1987. REPO Doesn't Work Anymore Because They've Done It Too Many Times, And The Credit Markets Are Saturated. So Far, The Latest Fed Injections Haven't Done Much To Lift The DOW.
The Fed's Gone To 0%, And The Quantitative Easing Levels Are Unprecedentedly High. The Dow Opened Down 10% This Morning With The S&P 500 Down 7.5% Tripping The 7% Circuit Breaker, Which Stopped Trading For 15 Minutes.
This Is After The Fed On Sunday Unexpectedly Dropped The Fed Funds Rate By 100 Basis Points To Virtually 0% And Said It Would Add At Least $700 Billion To Its Balance Sheet. While The Indexes Have Recovered A Bit, They Are Still Down Around 7% As Of Noon And Keep An Eye Out For A Dead Cat Bounce.
The New York Fed Announced Monday It Would Conduct An Additional Overnight Repo Operation At 1:30 P.M. Eastern. This Operation Will Be Conducted For Up To An Aggregate Offered Amount Of $500 Billion.
*This While Kudlow Announces That The Trump Administration Is Readying Another $400 Billion Boosts To The Economy.*
*This Is Called Desperation...*
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Only Remedy of Pakistan is to Break it: Tarek Fatah at #IndoreLitFest
*The Only Remedy of Pakistan is to Break it - Tarek Fatah at #IndoreLitFest - 292,346 Views - 18 Jan 2020*
Canadian writer and political advocate Tarek Fatah in conversation with Pravin Sharma, the founder of Indore Literature Festival, at #IndoreLitFest 2019 said that #Pakistan is the slave of Arabs and demolish Pakistan as a state. While, Indian Muslims needs to be more honest. He added "#Attock se #Cuttack tak ye hai #Hindustan". Watch one of the strongest plain-speaking voices against #Terrorism talking on tragic history of Pakistan.
*TRANSHUMANISM FULL DOCUMENTARY - 130,436 Views - 12 Apr 2019*
TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------
0:00-21:02 : Introduction (Meaning of Life)
21:03-46:14 CHAPTER 1: Transhumanism and Life Extension
46:15-58:52 CHAPTER 2 : Biological Aging
a. "Programmed Cell Death" Theory of Aging
b. "Intercellular Competition" Theory of Aging
c. "Antagonistic Pleiotropy" Theory of Aging
58:53-1:12:26 CHAPTER 3 : Cyborgs
1:12:27-1:24:35 CHAPTER 4 : Artiforgs
1:24:36-1:41:10 CHAPTER 5 : Prosthetics
1:41:11-2:00:44 CHAPTER 6 : Bionics
2:00:45-2:11:15 : CHAPTER 7 : Nanotechnology
2:11:16-2:30:43 : CHAPTER 8 : Microbots
2:30:44- 2:50:43 : CHAPTER 9 : Nanobots
2:50:44-3:10:36 : CHAPTER 10 : Nanomachines
3:10:37-3:27:04 : CHAPTER 11 : Nanoweapons
3:27:05-3:43:32 : CHAPTER 12 : Nanomaterials
3:43:33-4:09:11 : CHAPTER 13 : Graphene Technology
4:09:12-4:29:24 : CHAPTER 14 : Life-Extensionism
a. AMPK pathway
b. SIRTUIN pathway
c. MTOR pathway
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Top 5 Future Technology Inventions, 2019 to 2050 [Captain Gizmo]
*Top 5 Future Technology Inventions, 2019 to 2050 - Captain Gizmo - 258,190 views - 16 Oct 2018*
Top 10 Future Technology Inventions, 2019 to 2050
This series introduces the most futuristic tech from our time. These are the latest technologies and gadgets that are in various phase of development. These are future technologies and gadgets that you definitely want to learn about. You will most likely see them in the years 2019 to 2050.
10 Unusual but Awesome Tiny Homes & Vacation Cabins
*10 Unusual but Awesome Tiny Homes & Vacation Cabins - 463,496 Views - 01 Sep 2019*
The minimalist lifestyle is on the rise. From the United States to Denmark, here are some tiny abodes you'll want to see! In this video, we explore 10 unusual but awesome tiny homes and vacation cabins!
7 Great PREFAB HOMES (some affordable)
7 Great PREFAB HOMES Some Affordable - 251,143 Views - 14 Feb 2020
Some interesting pre-fabricated houses. THUMBNAIL is the 3rd house in the video - Ecokit.
0:31 ➤ Avrame - http://avrame.com/, https://www.avrameusa.com/
1:58 ➤ Hex House - http://www.hex-house.com/
3:46 ➤ Ecokit Home - https://ecokit.com.au/
5:26 ➤ Container Build Group - https://www.containerbuildgroup.com.au/
6:54 ➤ Haus.me - https://haus.me/
8:19 ➤ Konbuild - https://konbuild.com/
9:36 ➤ Bamboo Living Homes - https://bambooliving.com/
What It's Like To Wear $900 High Heels Designed By A Former SpaceX Exec
*What It's Like To Wear $900 High Heels Designed By A Former SpaceX Exec 44,239 Views - 9 Apr 2017*
Dolly Singh, a former SpaceX recruiter, has brought a group of engineers, astronauts and fashion specialists together to reinvent the high heel.
Using specialized technology, the Olympus One heels by a company called Thesis Couture help balance your weight across the entire shoe so you aren't crushing your toes when you walk. Tech reporter Avery Hartmans tested them out — here's what it was like.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Is Corona virus a huge business?
Is Corona virus a huge business - 701,250 views - 2 Mar 2020
Now it is Corona virus, previously it was Nipah, before that Dengue & Chikungunya and also H1N1 and many more. Where have they vanished and from where they appeared suddenly? Is it something we need to be fearful or is it a business of fear. In this video Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury exposes the conspiracy by pharma company in association with WHO. This video also shares the evidence based cure method to fight all kind of viruses including the most hyped HIV.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Why Don't More Men Wear Heels? | Between The Lines
Why Don't More Men Wear Heels? | Between The Lines
Should Men Shave Their Legs? | What Women Say May Surprise You....
Should Men Shave Their Legs? | What Women Say May Surprise You....
Can A Man Wear Women's Clothes? Seriously... 6 Piece Made For The Ladie...
Can A Man Wear Women's Clothes? Seriously... 6 Piece Made For The Ladies You Can Wear!
Sunday, March 1, 2020
The Poison Billions of Us Drink Everyday
The Poison Billions of Us Drink Everyday - 816 Views•18 Jan 2020
Meet the CEO of Coca-Cola And watch him lie and squirm his way out of some tough questions that everyone should be asking this company. It’s about time 😊
Coke has spent millions upon millions of dollars to position itself as ‘happiness in a can’, and just like tobacco, their addictive product does the rest.
Watch the video to find out:
👉 Just HOW much sugar is in Coca-Cola (much more than you think)
👉 Why Coke Zero, or Diet Coke are EVEN WORSE for the body
👉 Why ‘low calorie’ arguments are BS
👉 Exactly HOW and WHY Coke’s marketing works to seduce your brain
⠀It’s up to all of us to stand for health and wellness and say no to companies that are running amok with dangerous products.
⠀We want to see Coca-Cola face the same kind of health scrutiny that big tobacco was subject to, at least get health warnings on those pretty red cans.
Water Has Memory - Sadhguru at IIT Madras (Part V)
Water Has Memory - Sadhguru at IIT Madras Part V - 733,444 Views•25 Sep 2012
Addressing a group of students and faculty at the IIT campus in Chennai, India, Sadhguru answers a question on water memory and the research that has gone into it.
Speaking about the incredible findings that have happened in this field in the last few years, Sadhguru explains how the molecular structure of water can be rearranged to behave in a completely different way, without altering the chemical composition. He also speaks about the wisdom of ancient/indigenous cultures, which have always maintained that water be handled in a certain way.
Sadhguru Talks @ IIT Madras, Student Activity Center, Chennai, Oct 2010
Questioner: You said that water has some memory. Is there any viability to bring that memory level to our life or something? Is there any scientific evidence or spiritual evidence or some other evidence is available for that? Basically, as I’m a chemist I'm telling this.
Sadhguru: Okay. Today, is it okay if I walk down into you? Today, particularly in the last four-and-a-half years, phenomenal amount of research has gone into water and water potential. This started off inadvertently because of the… the way the usable water in the world is receding per person. In India, for example, in 1947 how much water an average Indian had, potable water, today we have only twenty percent of that. They say by 2025 we’ll have only seven percent of what we had in 1947 per person, per capita water, only that much will be available. So because of this, lot of research has gone into water. It went mostly from this line, but slowly they went deeper and deeper into this and they find – which you must be… being a chemist you must be very much aware of this – without changing the chemical composition of the water, you can rearrange the molecular arrangement in such a way that the water will behave completely in a different way than the way it does, to such an extent, it's sensitive to this extent, that if I take a glass of water in my hand and just look at it in a certain way and give it to you, well-being will come to you. If I look at it another way and give it to you, you will fall sick tonight. This is no more superstition, this is science.
I’ll tell you an incident that happened. About seventeen years ago I announced a ninety day program. Ninety day program for what? The most fundamental aspect of yoga is considered as Bhuta Shuddhi. Bhuta Shuddhi means… Bhuta means, you know what? Pancha bhutas, the five elements in nature - earth, water, fire, air and space – these are the five elements in nature. It is these five elements which is the basic components which make this body, which made this planet, which has made the whole universe, isn't it? The whole existence, in a way, is a play of these five elements. So Bhuta Shuddhi is about cleansing these five elements within the system. How these five elements behave within me will determine the quality of who I am – based on this, the basic form of yoga is just Bhuta Shuddhi; everything else is an outcrop of that, taught in various bits and pieces by many people without understanding the whole… the homogeneity of what it is, but essentially it's about taking charge of the five elements.
You practice Bhuta Shuddhi for a certain period of time and you achieve what is called as Bhuta Siddhi, that means you have total control over the five elements, to such an extent, there is any number of incidents where at the time of death or at the time of leaving their body, a yogi goes into a room, people lock it from outside, he goes in and after a few days they open and he's just not there because he de-materializes himself, he doesn’t want to trouble you with a funeral, he doesn’t want anybody to carry him to the grave, he just dematerializes his own system.
Seventeen years ago I announced one program for the first time, ninety day program. Why ninety days is, approximately between forty to forty eight days the system goes through...
Unplug with Sadhguru: Are feminism and women's rights worth fighting for?
Unplug with Sadhguru Are feminism and women's rights worth fighting for = 10,955 Views - 14 Sep 2018
During the 'Youth and Truth' event held at Bengaluru's Mount Carmel College, Sadhguru, Isha Foundation, was asked by one of the participants whether feminism and women's rights are worth fighting for. Listen-in to Sadhguru's answer.
All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies ➤ Emotional & Physical Healing - Dream Music...
*All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies - Emotional & Physical Healing - Dream Music - Miracle Tones Album - 2,647,905 Views•13 Sep 2016*
This is a special album put together with the use of all 9 solfeggio frequencies It´s designed to take you into blissful healing, relaxation and meditation.
*The following frequencies are used:*
✓ 174 hz - Foundation of Conscious Evolution
✓ 285 hz - Acceleration of Conscious Evolution
✓ 396 hz - Liberation of Fear and Guilt
✓ 417 hz - Facilitating Change
✓ 528 hz - Transformation and Miracles
✓ 639 hz - Connecting Relationships
✓ 741 hz - Consciousness Expansion
✓ 852 hz - Awakening Intuition
✓ 963 hz - Transcendence
432 Hz - Raise Vibration & Cleanse Negative Energy | Theta Binaural Beat...
432 Hz - Raise Vibration & Cleanse Negative Energy - Theta Binaural Beat - Soul Connection Music - 1,388,846 Views•5 Jan 2017
Stunning nature videos mixed with high vibrational melodies and native drum beat. The 5,5Hz theta binaural beats blend smoothly into the mix. Theta brainwave states have been used in meditation for centuries. MP3 DOWNLOAD: https://powerthoughtsmeditationclub.d... Research has proven that thirty minutes a day of Theta meditation can dramatically improve a person’s overall health and well-being. It can produce a sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe. In this state you can experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight. It is a state where our subconscious is very open for reprogramming of old patterns and habits. It´s a hypnotic and meditative state (these are the same). Right before you doze off to sleep and right after you wake up is the theta state. In Theta our brain hemispheres are synchronized and we experience whole brain functioning.
Theta waves are associated with:
Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability
Deep relaxation
Improved memory
Heightened intuition and inspiration
Calms the chatter of your mind
Increased psychic abilities and sense of spiritual connection
Speed healing and improved physical healing
More restful sleep
Release beneficial hormones related to health and longevity
Reduce mental fatigue
Reduction of anxiety and stress
Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each-other and Mother Earth.
Music by Jordan Jessep
Drums by audionautix.com
Mix by PowerThoughts Meditation Club
528 Hz Miracle Tone ➤ Emotional & Spiritual Healing | FULL ALBUM | Raisi...
528 Hz Miracle Tone - Emotional & Spiritual Healing - FULL ALBUM - Raising Positive Vibrations - 83,230 Views - 27 Sep 2017
0:09 - 10:06 Vibration of Unconditional Love
10:06 - 20:45 Notes from the Universe
20:46 - 31:11 Awakening to Higher Knowledge
31:11 - 41:25 Pure Potentiality
41:25 - 51:14 Through Dimensions
51:14 - 1:01:52 Walking The Path of Purpose
1:01:53 - 1:12:43 Waves of Crystal Light
1:12:43 - 1:33:01 My Heart Speaks
1:33:01 - 1:41:22 Constant Expansion Through Eternity
1:41:22 - 1:52:27 The Ultimate Destiny of Unity
All tracks tuned to A=444Hz (528hz) instead of the regular tuning. Also added a 528Hz solfeggio frequency. Every song is accompanied with unique visuals of nature herself. Enjoy it all, or just pick and choose your favourite. Uses: relaxation, meditation, focus, studying, writing, reading, spa, yoga, walking, sex, background music and much more.
All tracks composed by Jordan Jessep.
These tracks are available for download here:
iTunes ► http://apple.co/2wVCUDZ
CDBaby ► http://bit.ly/2xLyG1a
432 Hz - Raise Vibration & Cleanse Negative Energy | Theta Binaural Beat...
432 Hz - Raise Vibration & Cleanse Negative Energy - Theta Binaural Beat - Soul Connection Music - 1,388,838 Views•5 Jan 2017
Stunning nature videos mixed with high vibrational melodies and native drum beat. The 5,5Hz theta binaural beats blend smoothly into the mix. Theta brainwave states have been used in meditation for centuries. MP3 DOWNLOAD: https://powerthoughtsmeditationclub.d... Research has proven that thirty minutes a day of Theta meditation can dramatically improve a person’s overall health and well-being. It can produce a sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe.
In this state you can experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight. It is a state where our subconscious is very open for reprogramming of old patterns and habits.
It´s a hypnotic and meditative state (these are the same). Right before you doze off to sleep and right after you wake up is the theta state. In Theta our brain hemispheres are synchronized and we experience whole brain functioning.
Theta waves are associated with:
Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability
Deep relaxation
Improved memory
Heightened intuition and inspiration
Calms the chatter of your mind
Increased psychic abilities and sense of spiritual connection
Speed healing and improved physical healing
More restful sleep
Release beneficial hormones related to health and longevity
Reduce mental fatigue
Reduction of anxiety and stress
Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each-other and Mother Earth.
Music by Jordan Jessep
Drums by audionautix.com
Mix by PowerThoughts Meditation Club
528Hz - Whole Body Regeneration - Full Body Healing | Emotional & Physic...
528Hz - Whole Body Regeneration - Full Body Healing - Emotional & Physical Healing - 12,682,011 Views - 4 Jun 2017
Math scientist Victor Showell describes 528 as fundamental to the ancient Pi, Phi, and the Golden Mean evident throughout natural design. Vic Showell and John Stuart Reid (a pioneer in acoustic research and cymatic measurements) have proven that 528 is essential to the sacred geometry of circles and spirals consistent with DNA structuring and hydrosonic restructuring.
528hz More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence.
The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Independently confirmed by researchers, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings.
Learn more from Dr. Leonard Horowitz's website:
http: 528Revolution.com,
And his latest book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love: https://bit.ly/2TcB3UN
528 Hz Miracle Tone ➤ Emotional & Spiritual Healing | FULL ALBUM | Raisi...
528 Hz Miracle Tone - Emotional & Spiritual Healing - FULL ALBUM - Raising Positive Vibrations - 83,229 Views•27 Sep 2017
0:09 - 10:06 Vibration of Unconditional Love
10:06 - 20:45 Notes from the Universe
20:46 - 31:11 Awakening to Higher Knowledge
31:11 - 41:25 Pure Potentiality
41:25 - 51:14 Through Dimensions
51:14 - 1:01:52 Walking The Path of Purpose
1:01:53 - 1:12:43 Waves of Crystal Light
1:12:43 - 1:33:01 My Heart Speaks
1:33:01 - 1:41:22 Constant Expansion Through Eternity
1:41:22 - 1:52:27 The Ultimate Destiny of Unity
All tracks tuned to A=444Hz (528hz) instead of the regular tuning. Also added a 528Hz solfeggio frequency. Every song is accompanied with unique visuals of nature herself. Enjoy it all, or just pick and choose your favourite. Uses: relaxation, meditation, focus, studying, writing, reading, spa, yoga, walking, sex, background music and much more.
All tracks composed by Jordan Jessep.
Solfeggio 852 Hz ➤ Awakening Inner Strength & Self Realization ➤ Zen Hea...
528Hz - Whole Body Regeneration - Full Body Healing - Emotional & Physical Healing - 12,682,011 Views - 4 Jun 2017
Math scientist Victor Showell describes 528 as fundamental to the ancient Pi, Phi, and the Golden Mean evident throughout natural design. Vic Showell and John Stuart Reid (a pioneer in acoustic research and cymatic measurements) have proven that 528 is essential to the sacred geometry of circles and spirals consistent with DNA structuring and hydrosonic restructuring.
528hz More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence.
The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Independently confirmed by researchers, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings.
Learn more from Dr. Leonard Horowitz's website:
http: 528Revolution.com,
And his latest book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love: https://bit.ly/2TcB3UN
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