Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Things You're Consuming Wrong

Things You're Consuming Wrong

Do you ever wonder if you're consuming things wrong? Many people struggle with food and other consumer goods because they're simply using them wrong. Just because everyone else always eats a food or uses a consumer good a certain way, doesn't mean it's the best way to consume that product.


Monday, March 4, 2019

3 reasons why Pakistan was forced to return Wing Commander Abhinandan

*Not G goodwill Gesture But The Act of a Cornered Nation*

"3 reasons why Pakistan was forced to return Wing Commander Abhinandan"


Just one word INTENSE - 10 Mic drop moments by Yogi Adityanath

*Just one word INTENSE - 10 Mic drop moments by Yogi Adityanath*

Unconventional, Unapologetic, Unpitying Chief Minister of #UttarPradesh

The saffron clad monk is known as a no-nonsense administrator and a ‘Hindu Hriday Samrat’

Here are 10 moments when #Yogi simply stole the show


11 times when Subramanian Swamy came up with legendary responses

Swamyji at his best

11 times when Subramanian Swamy came up with legendary responses
