The song is dedicated to the honourable prime minister of India , Shri Narendra Modi . It Shows the vision and development that India is marching towards and also shows the achievements of our great nation under his leadership.
😳Some interesting facts and observations about "Playing cards"::
Did you know that the Traditional Deck of the Playing Cards are a strikingly coherent form of a Calendar?😳
There are 52 weeks in the year and so are 52 Playing Cards in a Deck.😳
There are 13 weeks in each Season and thus there are 13 cards in each suit. 😳
There are 4 Seasons in a Year and 4 Suits in the Deck. 😳
There are 12 Months in a Year so there are 12 Court Cards (Those with faces namely Jack, Queen King in each suit) 😳
The Red Cards represent the Day, while the Black Cards represent the Night.
If you let
Jacks = 11, Queens = 12, and the Kings = 13, then add up all the sums of 1 + 2 + 3 + …to 13 = 91. Multiply this by 4, for the 4 Suits, therefore 91 x 4 = 364, Add 1 that is the Joker and you will arrive at the number 365 being the Days in a Year? 😳
Is that a mere coincidence or a greater intelligence ?😳
Of interest is the sum of the letters in all the names of the cards; eg :
add up the letters in "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King" = 52 !😳
The Spades indicate ploughing/ working.😳
The Hearts indicates Love thy crops. 😳
The Clubs indicates flourishing and growth.
The Diamonds indicate reaping the Wealth.😳
Also, in some card games 2 Jokers are used.Indicating the Leap year.😳
There is a deeper Philosophy than just a merely a Game of Playing Cards.😳😳
Ancient Lathe Machine Found in Hampi, India - Lost Technology Discovered?
Hey guys, this is the ancient site of Hampi that has been abandoned for at least 500 years, and here we can see this rock that shows solid evidence of machining technology. These perfect circular marks on this rock can be produced only with machines. This process is called facing, and we use the same technology today using lathe machines.
It is covered with dirt when I found it, so I cleaned it up. Now, If you look at these circles, they are perfectly concentric and there is no deviation, no chipping in the rock, very similar to modern day technology. The rectangular slot in the center proves that this rock was machined using lathe technology. So, how was this created at least 500 years ago, at a time when historians claim there was no such technology?
Were ancient builders using high tech machines many centuries ago, just like today? If this is true, we should not only find finished products like this circular rock, but we should also find the entire mechanism that was able to create this finished product. Is it possible that the entire mechanism, the lathe itself can be found in the same area?
Now, if we take a step back and look at the entire picture, it has some very interesting components. It has two posts with circular holes near the top, which obviously means that a cylindrical rod was inserted between them, like this. This is a simple model that I am recreating, which I will show side by side, so you can understand this better. Nearby, we can see a long rectangular slab, with a hole in the center. When I measured the length of the slab, it matches exactly with the distance between the two posts. What does this mean? This means that the slab would fit perfectly between these posts. I am using this green rectangular styrofoam block which represents the slab in my model. So, the set up would look like this.
If a metal tool was placed on this cylinder, pointing downwards, it looks like a modern day vertical lathe machine. I am going to use a pen for the metal tool in my model. This rectangular slab would be the base plate on which circular rocks could be placed and machined. Here is a simple round object which represents the circular rock and I place it on the rectangular slab, and if I rotate the circular rock, and lower the tool from the top, we can create these identical tool marks. See the similarity of the circles between this model, and the actual rock. My model has not rotated on a perfect axis, so you see that the circles are not as good, but the work of ancient builders was perfect. This set up actually proves that ancient people used vertical lathe technology, at least 500 years ago.
What's even more interesting is that you can see some circular wear and tear on the base plate as well. Look at the base plate, you can see these half circular marks caused by the rotating objects which were placed on top of it. The other half shows no such tool marks, because these marks were created by accident, by friction from the rotating objects placed above. You can see the same marks beginning to form on my model as well.
All these evidences clearly prove that machining technology, specifically vertical lathe technology was used in India, at least 500 years ago, and some archeologists even say this site was built 2300 years ago. So, I think I have just discovered the oldest machining set up, known to mankind, and it is lying in plain sight, abandoned and covered in dirt.
Narendra Modi Delivered on His Promise in 3 Days: Ratan Tata Interview
Ratan Tata says confident PM Modi will create a 'new India'
In a wide-ranging interview with Network18, Tata Sons Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata, the venerable industrialist talked about a host of issues.
In a wide-ranging interview with Network18, Tata Sons Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata, the venerable industrialist talked about a host of issues. From his views on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to what the Tata legacy means today, and what went through his mind when the Taj Mahal hotel was attacked on 26/11.
The full interview with be aired on CNBC-TV18 at 21.00 hours today.
Excerpts below:
On PM Modi and his vision of India
I have known Narendra Modi when he was Chief Minister of Gujarat. I turned to him when we had to change factories from Singur in West Bengal to Gujarat. I have seen him and will never forget the way he found solutions for a company that was looking for a home.
He invited me to move the factory to Gujarat and I said we would come if we had a home and he said, I will get you the land you want in three days. And then he delivered that. On the third morning he said,' here is the land that I promised.' And that just does not happen in India.
So, Mr Modi as Prime Minister now is offering India, the Indian people, a new India. We need to give him that opportunity to offer that new India. He is able, capable and innovative enough to look at India afresh and I for one, am optimistic that with his leadership, India will be that new India that he has promised.
Where he sees Tata Group in 10 years
It is too hot a question to answer given what we have been going through in the last several months. All I would like to say is that I feel that the group is in very able hands with Chandra. Businesses are cyclic, they will have their ups and downs. We have been a group that has worked with companies when they are in peril and brought them up and I hope we can continue to do that.
The group will probably look different over the next 10 years. There will be companies that were not there earlier and there will be companies that were there and not there 10 years from now because they will not be relevant or they may have been sold or transferred to another company. So the face of Tatas may change, but so long as there is still the same drive to make this an enterprise or a conglomeration of enterprises, that operate with ethical standards and value systems, I would feel very proud.