Friday, July 28, 2017

Building Without Nails The Genius of Japanese Carpentry

Building Without Nails The Genius of Japanese Carpentry

We've heard of the genius "technology" used in ancient times to build towering monuments with nothing more than primitive tools like stones and ropes. The Egyptian pyramids of old is a great example.

Back in the far east, Japan had plenty to offer the ancient world as well when it came to resourceful inventions and crafts. Traditional Japanese Carpenters built houses, temples, and castles, without the use of nails, screws, or bolts.

In a documentary interviewing one of the few remaining practitioners of this seemingly lost art of carpentry, an old Japanese master craftsman exclaims "No bolts, no nails. It lasts longer!". Proudly claiming its effectiveness that no one would be able to argue against its success

in the form of several majestic towering temples all over Japan still standing to this day.

After being subjected to harsh weather and clashes of changes in civilizations for well over a thousand years. But with the bold statement comes a clear understanding that the success to this art isn't because they designed it to withstand "against" nature, instead, it is all about

being "with" nature.

Moving his livelihood to New York and sharing his art form of old Japanese wood working to the world, Isao Hanafusa, co-owner of Miya Shoji, has carved himself a unique niche in the competitive market of the furnishing industry.

Sought out and revered by New Yorkers wanting that embrace with nature in their interior decor with a style and durability in craftsmanship that can't be rivaled by most factory produced alternatives.

All furniture selections in Miya Shoji showrooms are hand crafted, even the types lumber used in all his crafts are hand selected by Hanafusa himself. Isao Hanafusa was a graduate of Industrial Revolution studies of which he states has produced countless wonders for the

modern world, but its cold machinery has also tragically killed off individual talent that is supposed to reside in craftsmen.

To this day, he rejects criticisms of his methods being unnecessarily old fashioned, because with all the bold talk of technologically advanced tools and methods used in modern day construction work, the Hanafusa family believes a thousand years worth of talent refinement

and mastery should not be thrown away in exchange for mass production convenience.

Nor is it going to back down from the contest that their crafts will last even longer than rigid concrete and metal structures for the simple fact they are not designed to resist against the force of mother nature, but to live with her.

What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - Neal Barnard MD - FUL...

What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - Neal Barnard MD - FULL TALK

Published on 28 Jan 2017

This is Dr. Neal Barnard's full one hour talk on cheese, milk and the many reasons you want to break the dairy addiction. This is one of the 15 talks at the Expo which are available via instant streaming or on DVD

Sunday, July 23, 2017

What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - Neal Barnard MD - FUL...

What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - Neal Barnard MD - FULL TALK

Published on 28 Jan 2017

This is Dr. Neal Barnard's full one hour talk on cheese, milk and the many reasons you want to break the dairy addiction. This is one of the 15 talks at the Expo which are available via instant streaming or on DVD

DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

Dairy is scary. Please share this video with anyone and everyone who still thinks dairy is just fine!

Realities of the Dairy Industry in Gujarati

Realities of the Dairy Industry in Gujarati

Published on 13 Jul 2017

A short video detailing the realities of the dairy industry in Gujarati, highlighting the prominence of the Cow in Hindu culture and how veganism is more in alignment with the principles of ahimsa


Hi everyone, welcome to my new channel 'Imperfectly Vegan'

I am an animal rights advocate who campaigns for veganism, focusing on the realities of the meat & dairy industry. I work tirelessly for a vegan world first for the animals, the planet & our health.

You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube to be kept up to date with the campaigns I'm involved in, recipe ideas & my general vegan journey.

Make the connection. Go Vegan.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

B0YC0TT of Chinese goods: How it won't help India but can harm Ch!na

Published on 11 Jul 2017
China is emerging as a global power and it is trying to portray itself as a responsible economy. Any negative propaganda against China or any escalation in India-China conflict will harm China's bid to portray itself as a progressive nation and not an authoritarian dictatorship. This portrayal helps China attract western countries and take into confidence smaller Asian and African countries for trade and investment.

China's dream to emerge as the biggest global power is best exemplified by its One Belt One Belt (OBOR) initiative where it tried to present itself as a responsible global economic force which is willing to work for greater economic good of all. An trade war with India, its biggest neighbour, will not sit well with China's image makeover.

But that's true for all kinds of conflicts and not just a boycott of Chinese goods. In the short term, the boycott is more harmful for India than China.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Muslim woman asks a question and probably wishes she didn't

Muslim woman asks a question and probably wishes she didn't

This woman tells the truth and i salute her!

I dont censorship comments. Write what is on your mind, but don't spam!

From Wikipedia: "She frequently speaks at American conservative organizations such as The Heritage Foundation, Christians United for Israel, Evangelicals and Jewish groups. In her own words, she gives voice to "what many in America are thinking but afraid to say out loud, for fear of being labeled a racist, bigot, Islamophobic, or intolerant."

Muslim people Islam is bad Islam is good Are Muslims terrorists Are there any good muslims Americas war on terror Political Correctness Muslim asks a question Muslims are not terrorists Muslim extremists Muslims in America She got owned You did not expect this answer Smart woman Intelligent woman Religion Quran Criticism of Islam

Japan | No Country for Islam

Japan | No Country for Islam

Arab lady talks truth on Muslims / Jihad and their violence "Islam the r...

Sid Roth Interviews Bridget Gabriel On the truths about Islam.


This video gives you the insight to why does Kashmir hate everything about India and wants to join Pakistan as a nation. This video tells you about the current circumstances and situations that have risen to give a sudden rise in the separation demands. Every Pakistani and Indian must watch.