Monday, January 25, 2016

Vulturisation on Rohith Vemula suicide

See this video to know how political parties, award wapsi gang and media are playing vultures in issues like suicide of Rohith Vemula.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Energy Cartels Don't Want You To Watch This Film (It Will Put Them O...

The Energy Cartels Don't Want You To Watch This Film (It Will Put Them Out Of Buisness)

The Energy Crisis is a lie, here is the evidence.

This Movie Is The Sequel To "The Truth Behind The Energy Lie(What The Energy Cartels Don't Want You To See) full movie" if you have not seen it, I highly suggest you watch it.

this video shows you how you can easily build your own devices that will free you from the energy grid. but even more importantly, It shows the more advanced work of amazing scientist and engineers that, if embraced on a large scale, would completely free the world from the enslavement of the energy cartels.

No Body Of Men Has The Right To Deny The Technological Evolution Of Mankind...

If a civilization truly wishes to consider itself civilized, it must embrace all technological and scientific advances. The suppression of any technological advance, can not be tolerated if we wish to be a 'civil'ization. we must ask ourselves if we are working for the benefit of all mankind, or working for the benefit of a few businessman and politicians.

The fact that we are unnecessarily poisoning our planet, our home, when their are numerous solutions, raises several questions as to why these technologies are being suppressed. The root of the problem is almost entirely one thing, greed. We as a society can no longer focus our entire efforts into what is profitable, because what is profitable is not always right, and what is right is not always profitable.

The Truth Behind The Energy Lie(What The Energy Cartels Don't Want You T...

***please Share, its time to wake up the world***

The energy crisis is a lie, here is the evidence...

The full version of "The Energy Lie(What the Energy cartels don't want you to see) covers various inventors and suppressed inventions. Such as, Nikola Tesla, Marco Rodin, Stan Meyers, Water powered cars(HHO gas) water, dirt, and air batteries, "kelvins thunderstorm", Stirling engines, the "n-machine", and several others.

Includes several Experiments you can try at home with household materials, proving that the Energy Crisis is a lie, and solutions are all around us, we just have to be willing to look. well worth watching, even if you know a lot about "free energy" you may learn something you didn't know.

If a civilization truly wishes to consider itself civilized, it must embrace all technological and scientific advances.

The suppression of any technological advance, can not be tolerated if we wish to be a 'civil'ization. we must ask ourselves if we are working for the benefit of all mankind, or working for the benefit of a few businessman and politicians.

The fact that we are unnecessarily poisoning our planet, our home, when their are numerous solutions, raises several questions as to why these technologies are being suppressed.

The root of the problem is almost entirely one thing, greed. We as a society can no longer focus our entire efforts into what is profitable, because what is profitable is not always right, and what is right is not always profitable.