Monday, November 23, 2015

Email Founder's Government Allocation Cancelled

Email Founder's Government Allocation Cancelled...

US- based Indian scientist Shiva Ayyadurai has claimed that he was hounded out of the country after he raised questions about the widespread corruption practices at Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CISR) during the UPA-2 government. Ayyadurai, who says that he is the inventor of e-mail, had even written to the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's office regarding the corruption and suppression of innovation at CISR. However, he claims that the government took no action.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Secret 5000 Year Old Vimana Found!

Secret 5000 Year Old Vimana Found!

[Published on 16 Oct 2014

"It looks like in 2010 the U.S. Military discovered an ancient cave in Afghanistan. The cave contained a 5,000 year old spacecraft

known as a Vimana. It wasn't easy but we removed the Vimana and transported it back to the USA - Dallas Fort Worth International

Airport. NASA has a research area there. By looking around the cave, we have discovered that the Vimana belonged to the Prophet

Zoroaster. The Galactic Federation / Andromeda Council found out about it and asked that it be surrendered to the Galactic Federation

or else! We refused and tried to reverse engineer it."

Also view the 5 Part Vimana Epics Series for detailed and original videos.

Part One: [ ] “Intro and Ancient Origins” explains the various definitions and ancient texts referencing

flying machines; the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Ashoka Maurya’s Secret Society of Nine.

Part Two: [] “Samarangana Sutradhara & the MarutSakha” covers the Samarangana Sutradhara as

translated by R. Cedric Leonard and the story of Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade and the MarutSakha.

Part Three-A: [ ] “Vaimanika Shastra” is a critical analysis of said text.

Part Three-B: [] “Debunking the Debunker” is a point by point rebuttal to a mainstream debunker of


Part Four: [ ] “Vimanas and Ancient Nuclear War” discusses the myriad of references to ancient warfare in

the Indian texts.]

US studying Ramayan's VIMANA found in Afghanistan and we are sleeping

US studying Ramayan's VIMANA found in Afghanistan and we are sleeping

Friday, November 20, 2015

Brave HINDU Girl's POWERFULL SPEECH Against the Christian Missionaries &...

Brave HINDU Girl's POWERFULL SPEECH Against the Christian Missionaries & their Anti-INDIA Activities

Missionary convert to Christianity in India spreading hatered againt Hindus

Missionary convert to Christianity in India spreading hatered againt Hindus

Magsaysay Award Politics Exposed by Rajiv Dixit

Magsaysay Award Politics Exposed by Rajiv Dixit

Best Relaxing Spa Music, Massage Music Therapy for Deep Relaxation, Medi...

Best Relaxing Spa Music, Massage Music Therapy for Deep Relaxation, Meditation and Sleep Music ♫♫♫

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Best Relaxing Spa Music, Massage Music Therapy for Deep Relaxation, Medi...

ISLAM TAKING OVER EUROPE ! Sharia law soon in Europe

Wake Up INDIA... Must Watch...
Published on 28 Aug 2015
ISLAM TAKING OVER EUROPE ! Wake up before it's too late !

Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in Europe.[1][2]

Muslim population in England (2011)
20% and more
Since the 1960s, immigrants from Muslim countries started to appear in numbers in Western Europe, especially in Germany, France and Belgium. Although large Muslim communities existed on the continent long before this, especially in the Balkans, this was the first major wave of immigration of Muslims to northwestern Europe.[3]

Muslims in Europe are not a homogeneous group. They are of various national, ethnic and racial identities. The top countries of origin of Muslims in Western Europe are Pakistan, Turkey and the Maghreb countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia).[4] Muslims also vary in terms of their religious commitment: some adhere very strictly to the tenets of Islam while others have largely assimilated into secular European culture.

In Western Europe, Muslims generally live in major urban areas, often concentrated in poor neighborhoods of large cities.[5]

According to the Pew Forum, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million (6%).[6] The total number of Muslims in the European Union in 2010 was about 19 million (3.8%).[6] The French capital of Paris and its metropolitan area has the largest number (up to 1.7 million according to The Economist)[7] of Muslims than any other city in the European Union. London also has a substantial community of Muslim origin, numbering about 1 million within the limits of Greater London and exceeding this figure when the entire metropolitan area is taken into account.

If the current rate of migration of Muslims to Europe and the Muslim fertility rate remains constant, by 2030, people of Muslim faith or origin are predicted to form about 10% of the French population[6] and 8% of the European population.[6]

The table below lists large cities of the European Union with significant Muslim populations.

Eurabia is a political neologism.[2] The concept was coined by Bat Ye'Or in the early 2000s. Bat Ye'Or (pen name of Gisele Littman) claims a conspiracy of Europe, allegedly led by France and Arab powers, to Islamise and Arabise Europe, thereby weakening its existing culture and undermining an alleged previous alignment with the U.S. and Israel.[3][4]

The term has gained some public interest and has been used and discussed across a wide range of the political spectrum, including far-right activists,[5] counterjihadis and different sorts of antiislamist and conservative activists. Bat Ye'Or’s “Mother conspiracy theory” has been used for further subtheories.[6] The narrative grew important in expressing Islamophobic sentiments and was used by movements like Stop Islamisation of Europe. It gained renewed interest after the 9/11 events and the use of the term by 2011 Norway attacker Anders Behring Breivik. It is as well a part of classical Anti-Europeanism, a strong influence in American culture and American exceptionalism[7] which sometimes sees Europe on the decline or as a rising rival power, or, as is the case here, both.

Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is a term for prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of Muslims or of ethnic groups perceived to be Muslim.[1] The term entered into common English usage in 1997 with the publication of a report by the Runnymede Trust condemning negative emotions such as fear, hatred, and dread directed at Muslims. While the term is now widely used, both the term itself and the underlying concept have been criticized.

The causes and characteristics of Islamophobia are still debated. Some scholars have defined it as a type of racism. Some commentators have posited an increase in Islamophobia resulting from the September 11 attacks, while others have associated it with the increased presence of Muslims in the United States, the European Union and other secular nations.

Islam in Europe
Islam in Austria
Islam in Belgium
Islam in Denmark
Islam in France
Islam in Germany
Islam in Italy
Islam in the Netherlands
Islam in Spain
Islam in Sweden
Islam in the United Kingdom

Wake Up INDIA... Must Watch... Share... Make It Viral...

With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations - Ext...

“A Nation Can Survive Its Fools, And Even The Ambitious. But It Cannot Survive Treason From Within. An Enemy At The Gates Is Less Formidable, For He Is Known And Carries His Banner Openly."

- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC

You Are Witnessing What Will Be Shown To Future Generations As The Reason For The Fall Of An Empire.

At Current Immigration Levels And Disappearing Birth Rates Native Europeans Are Destined To Become A Minority In Their Own Countries Within Decades. This Is Already The Case For Many Of Europe's Largest Cities.

Europeans Have Effectively Lost Their Right To Exist As Cultures And Nations In Their Own Homelands And Are Facing Extinction.

Millions Of Young Muslim Men Leave Behind Their Family, Pay Thousands To Criminal Traffickers To Reach The Land They Have Been Promised By European Politicians Illegally.

Dubbed By The Media As "Refugees", They Cross Through 6-10 Safe Countries To Reach Wealthy Nations Like Germany Or Sweden Where They Hope To Receive A Better Life At The Expense Of The Taxpayer.

Only A Fraction Of Them Are Syrian, As They Enter Unfiltered, Without Any Documents And Without Any Legitimate Right To Claim Asylum. Women And Children Are Rarely Seen, Except In The Cherry-Picked Sob Stories Of The Media.

Any Indigenous Resistance Of Europeans Who Refuse To Hand Over The Countries Of Their Ancestors To Often Radical And Criminal Muslim Foreigners Is Labeled "Hateful", "Racist", Even "Nazi".

The Level Of Cultural, Moral And Political Subversion With Egalitarian And Marxist Ideologies Has Reached Levels The KGB Would Never Have Dreamed Of. Equality And Tolerance Are Lies That Serve None But A Few.

The Left, Mainly Orchestrated By Zionist Interests, Is Destroying Our Countries From The Inside. Patriotism, The Most Basic And Fundamental Trait Of Any Nation That Wants To Survive, Has Become Something To Be Ashamed Of.

Feminism Has Destroyed Family Values And Birth Rates. Healthy Nationalism Has Been Replaced With A Culture Of Guilt, Self-Hatred, Apathy, Degeneracy And Pathological Altruism. We Are Told To Embrace "Diversity", In Reality This Simply Means Instead Of Just Being A Global Minority, Europeans Are Supposed To Become A Minority In Their Own Countries As Well. No Civilized Society Can Keep Up With The Birth Rate Of Third World Immigrants, Especially When The Main Goal Is Integration Rather Than Assimilation. Parallel Societies Breed Poverty, Crime And Radicalism.

Multiculturalism Has Never, At Any Time In Human History, Worked Anywhere. If You Believe Otherwise, You're Delusional. In Fact It's The Primary Reason For Every Major Conflict.

The Crimes Committed By The EU Against The European Peoples Are Directly In Violation Of The 1948 UN Genocide Convention, Article II: (C) Deliberately Inflicting On The Group Conditions Of Life Calculated To Bring About Its Physical Destruction In Whole Or In Part; (D) Imposing Measures Intended To Prevent Births Within The Group; (E) Forcibly Transferring Children Of The Group To Another Group.

Because Of This Injustice, Far-Right Parties Everywhere In Europe Are Gaining Astonishing Amounts Of Support, Becoming The Biggest Parties In Some Countries.

Any European That Does Not Rise Up To Defend His Country From Foreign Invasion Because He's Too Scared Of Words Does Not Deserve It.

We Are Still At A Point Where You Will Not Get Imprisoned For Your Political Opinion In Most European Countries, But This Will Change Very Soon. Do Not Be Apathetic, Do Not Be Weak. Be Someone That Can Be Proud To Call Himself European.

Monday, November 9, 2015



Published on 26 Oct 2012

Varaha Kavacham is the powerful stotra for ultimate protecion and aligning yourself with the higher frequencies of Universe.(Find Free Articles, Mantras & Stotras on

Varaha is the avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu in form of a boar, succeeding Kurma and preceding Narasimha. It is third in the Dashavatara, ten principal avatars of Vishnu. When the demon Hiranyaksha stole the earth (personified as the goddess Bhudevi) and hid her in the primordial waters, Vishnu appeared as Varaha to rescue her. Varaha slew the demon and retrieved the Earth from the ocean, lifting it on his tusks, and restored Bhudevi to her place in the universe.

Varaha may be depicted as completely a boar or in an anthropomorphic form, with a boar's head and human body. His consort, Bhudevi, the earth, is often depicted as a young woman, lifted by Varaha. The earth may be depicted as a mass of land too.

The VARAHA KAVACHAM is wonderfully sung by Sunder K.

Growing up in a spiritual environment, under the strict guidance of his Guru and surrounded by mahatmas and devotees, Guru Moti Lal ji has been instrumental in providing solutions to many devotees in the world. He is a spiritual scientist and an evolved spiritual guide rejuvenating the knowledge of mantras and stotras to help people live problem free life and getting abundance

For general queries you can mail him to

For booking a' Pooja' or 'Anushthan' or for specific 'Vashikaran' purposes you can mail him to or call +919464380534

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Writer Madhu Kishwar Exposes biased Barkha Dutt and corrupt Rajdeep Sard...

Writer Madhu Kishwar Exposes biased Barkha Dutt and corrupt Rajdeep Sardesai.

Recently a interview of Narendra Modi with Writer Madhu Kishwar has been criticize of Being Biased...

Watch how Madhu Kishwar Clarify All Allegation....

She Also Takes on Barkha and Sardesai, Both of them are Greatest Curse on Indian Media...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to activate your superhuman powers and project yourself across space...

LEARN MORE :: - This video shows how you can use ancient + modern techniques to bend reality and "hack" your life. Manifest anything you want TODAY.