Learning HOW to create the life you wish to live starts with spring cleaning. Many of us have held to beliefs that no longer fit. For example, the very idea you are powerless to change your life circumstances is out-dated and does not serve you well. Ideas such as these will undermine the ability to arrange your life in a way that brings you abundance and joy. Consider the beliefs listed below as your new wardrobe. They may not fit quite right in the beginning, but soon they will start to feel more familiar and comfortable.
Copy them onto 3X5 cards and repeat them to yourself, slowly, and reflectively, at least 5 times a day. Carry these cards wherever you go, and read them whenever you have a spare moment. Ideally, record them onto a cassette tape and play the tape while you drive, do housework, or are just relaxing.
1) I am completely responsible for what I have created in my life. What I have created, I can un-create. What I like, I can produce more of.
2) There are no 'mistakes' as everything works toward my highest good.
3) I am unlimited in what I can do. I am more powerful than I can fathom.
4) How I choose to perceive and interpret the events and people in my life is completely up to me and greatly influences the delicate eco-system in my mind, and thus similarly influences what happens to me externally.
5) I am only limited by my self-imposed beliefs. Practice makes perfect.
6) I can shine light into any dark place.
7) The conflicts and struggles I perceive all around me are actually within me.
8) Every person and event in my life is a gift, a teacher, and an opportunity to learn.
9) Every moment is new and it is my choice as to what it will be.
10) I can use my imagination and dreams to provide a blueprint for what I would like to have in my life.
11) No matter my past, I can be any type of person I wish to be.
12) The entire universe, from the most distant galaxy to the smallest particle of matter, obeys my every thought.
13) Every thought has a reaction in reality. I literally see and live what I think.
14) Whatever I tell myself is true... becomes so.
15) My personal source of power lies within me. Any external status or power I appear to have is actually a reflection of an inner source of power.
16) If I believe my strength comes from something outside of me, then it will wax and wane as the external validity does. If it is derived from an internal source, it is forever and will withstand anything.
17) I am as superior, adequate and powerful as I believe and tell myself I am.
18) I am constantly talking to myself about myself. This internal chatter can be either my best friend or my worst enemy.
19) No matter the challenge before me, I really have nothing to fear.
20) How I treat others is a reflection of how I treat myself. If I am other's worst critics, chances are I am beating myself up too.
21) Every thought and action is based on either love or fear. Loving thoughts and actions, toward others and myself, create more of the same. Fearful thoughts and actions create more of the same. Love or fear? Ego or heart? Judgment or acceptance?
22) Love is the path of joy. Love is the building block of life. Love takes the form of thoughts, words and deeds. Choosing love is like exercising any muscle. The more it is repeated, the easier it becomes.
23) If I do not like what I am creating, I can choose again.
24) No one can do these things for me. My life is mine alone to master.
25) Moment to moment, I am constantly creating who I am and the life I choose to live.
26) The secret to creating more of what I like... is to dwell on what I like.
27) I Know all things are possible.
28) Everything in life is good, if I believe it is.
29) How others perceive my actions is up to them. They are responsible for what they choose.
30) The world is at peace only when I am at peace.
31) I am grateful for everything in my life, as these are the building blocks of my tomorrows.
32) Forgiveness of others and myself allows me to sprout wings and fly.
33) I have more than 60,000 thoughts a day. Each of these thoughts produces a mirror image in my life. I have the choice to produce whatever I want. . . 60,000 times a day.
34) I can, at any time, alter the course of my life.
35) What I perceive in others is actually what is inside of me.
36) Dreams are what is possible... if I believe...
37) My point of power is in the present.
38) The greatest gift I can give myself is to always choose healthy, loving and empowering viewpoints.
39) I DO create what I experience-from within.
40) To change my current direction I have to change my philosophy, not my circumstances.
41) The only way things are going to change, is when I change.
With Love, Gratitude n Blessings ... Tathastu ...
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